Sunday, June 16, 2024

Does this flower glow in the dark?

This exchange via X, today (16 June 2024):

🌴Scott Zona, Ph.D.🌴; @Scott_Zona

This passage, from a 1905 book about fragrant plants, had me sitting bolt upright! Has anyone seen or heard of Polianthes (#Agave) or #Tropaeolum flowers emitting flashes of light as they senesce?🤩


It was the daughter of Linnaeus who reported the phenomenon in Tropæolum in twilight. It is thought to be one of those optical weirdnesses that some plants do, not an actual chemical reaction.

But, also of interest:

Firefly Petunias from Light Bio glow in the dark thanks to genes from mushrooms. Sort of a Frankenstein plant, but hope to try growing one in a few years once the prices drop.